Teachers Cars FAQs

Man scratching head and a questionmark about teachers cars
Our most Frequently Asked Questions about Allianz Schools Insurance.
No. Teachers liability for passengers in a car or for any third party injury or damage arising from the use of a teachers
car on school business is a matter solely for the teacher‘s motor insurance. However, liability which attaches to the
Board of Management in the event that the teacher‘s insurance should prove defective, is covered by the Custodian
School Protection Policy.

Like any individual, teachers are free to arrange their motor insurance with whatever insurer they wish. Bearing in
mind, however, that teachers may carry pupils to sports matches or to hospital in an emergency, some guidance is

To include carrying of pupils, school equipment etc. in their own car, teachers are advised to have the extended Class
1 usage of the vehicle which is Social, Domestic and Pleasure Purposes and use by the insured in person for his/her

This will give the additional cover required only when the teacher insured is driving. The teacher should therefore
check the position with his/her insurer before using their vehicle on school related business.

The teacher’s personal motor insurance will cover any liability arising out of the use of their car on school business
subject to the extension of Class 1 usage. If Comprehensive cover has been arranged then it will also cover damage to
the teacher’s car. But there will be an excess with the possible loss of No Claim Bonus/Discount and subject to policy
terms and conditions.

This problem has been recognised and we have extended the Custodian School Protection policy to include such
financial loss suffered by a teacher in the event of involvement in an accident whilst using the car on behalf of the
school. The limits any one claim provided are:

  •  Loss of No Claim Bonus/Discount up to €3,500
  • Premium Loading up to €3,500

Subject to an excess of €100 and subject to policy terms and conditions.

The cover provided under the Allianz Custodian School Protection Policy has also been extended to include damage
to a teacher’s car in the event of an accident whilst using the car on school business up to a limit of €50,000 subject to
an excess of €100 and not otherwise recoverable from any other source.

It is not uncommon for teachers and other staff to park their cars in the school grounds however it should be
remembered that in most cases

(a) the Board of Management make spaces available only as a concession

(b) the Board of Management does not make a charge for such spaces


(c) the Board of Management does not undertake to safeguard the vehicles whilst parked

Consequently cars parked in the school grounds are parked at the owners own risk.

Any injury or damage caused by or to a teacher’s or staff members car whilst parked on the school premises is a
matter for the car owners own motor insurance.

Driving to and from a persons normal place of work is not a School Related Activity and the Allianz Custodian School
Protection Policy does not cover any injury loss or damage which arises while a teacher or other staff member is
traveling to and from work in the normal course of their day to day activities.

To protect the interests of the school it is recommended that schools have adequate checks in place for teachers who
use their vehicle on school related business.