Note : This chapter of the Guide is only intended as a guide to better understanding of your policy and of the actions that you must take in various situations. You must refer to your Policy wording and Schedule for precise details of your cover and all terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions applicable to it.

Custodian School Protection Policy

The Custodian School Protection Policy is an amalgamation in one document of the insurance covers which a School should prudently have. The policy is divided into 7 Sections:-

Section 1. Property


Section 2. Consequential Loss


Section 3. Money


Section 4. General Liability

• Sub-Section 4A - Employers’ Liability
• Sub-Section 4B - Public Liability

Section 5. Indemnity to Management

• Sub-Section 5A - Professional Indemnity
• Sub-Section 5B - Trustees’, Directors’ & Officers’ Liability
• Sub-Section 5C - Employment Practices Liability
• Sub-Section 5D - Fidelity Guarantee

Section 6. Legal Expenses


Section 7. Personal Accident

Each of which will be summarized in this Chapter.

Is the policy comprehensive?

This question is often asked and the answer is both Yes and No.

Yes! As we have said above the policy is an amalgamation in one document of the insurance covers which a School should prudently have.

No! It does not cover every risk and it does, like all insurance policies, have exclusions, conditions and limitations.

Can insurance cover every risk?

The theory and principle of insurance is that the cover provided is intended only for the fortuitous loss. Many items have a limited life span and damage caused by normal processes of wear and tear is not covered. To cover damage occurring over a long period of time would make an insurance policy a maintenance contract, which is not the purpose of insurance.

What is the Board required to insure against?

The Department of Education requires that Boards put in place comprehensive insurance cover for the school. A comprehensive policy should ensure that as a minimum the property is insured against the risks of fire, storm damage, flood and other water damage, together with insurance covering the legal liability of the Board to both employees and other persons (including pupils).

The Custodian School Protection Policy covers all of these requirements and more.

Who is indemnified by the policy?

The Policy indemnifies the School, the Patron, the Trustees and the Board of Management / Governors all in relation to School Related Activities - defined in the Policy as:-

“any activity usual to a school which is carried out with the full knowledge and authority of and under the control of the board of management / governors of the School or of any other person specifically authorised by them”.

Is indemnity provided to anyone else?

Yes, at the request of the Insured (the School / Board of Management) Allianz will indemnify any parent teacher association, past pupil union, Employee or other person in respect of liability for which the Insured would have been indemnified under the policy if the claim had been made against the Insured.

Section 1. Loss or Damage to School


The cover provided by Section 1 of the Custodian School Protection Policy is expressed under the Section Insuring Clause (what is insured) as follows:

“If during the Period of Insurance School Property is Damaged the Company will pay the amount of the Damage or at its option repair, reinstate or replace such Property”

and is then qualified by the limitations and exclusions. The term “Damage” is defined in the policy as follows:-

“loss or destruction of or damage to the School Property and the word Damaged shall be construed accordingly”.

What property does the section cover?

The Section defines both Buildings and Contents. These definitions are more than adequate for most schools. We recommend that you read through these definitions to ensure that they are adequate for your School.

Should these definitions not meet your requirements, please advise us as any differences from the standard can be added on request.

Is all School Property covered?

The policy provides cover for all School Property which is listed in the Policy Schedule. It is therefore very important for you to keep us advised of all such property -including Pre-Fabs, outbuildings, shrines and land - which are owned by or are the responsibility of the School.

What about buildings which are inherited by or bequeathed to the School?

Cover has been extended to include such property, subject to a maximum of €1,000,000 provided you notify us as soon as practicable and pay any resultant additional premium.

If the cost of reinstatement of any such property exceeds the automatic limit of €1,000,000, any increase to a higher amount will only apply from the date on which Allianz is notified of such increased amount.

How should the Board insure the premises?

To ensure that the Sums Insured are adequate in the event of a loss, the Board should insure for the full costs of rebuilding the School Property in the event of its destruction and the full value of the contents. (See more detailed Notes on Sums Insured in Chapter 3).

Does the policy provide cover for contract works?

Cover under Section 1 of the Policy is extended to apply to construction contracts where the contract price does not exceed €250,000. The maximum amount payable in respect of damage to Property Insured (defined in the policy as Contract Works, Plant, Temporary Buildings and Hired in Plant all in connection with the contract) is €300,000.

What is not covered?

The policy outlines a number of Section Exclusions (what is not insured) and in so doing qualifies the broad statement of cover under the Insuring Clause

The principal exclusions are:-

1: The first €300 of all claims other than for Fire, Lightning or Explosion, subject to an aggregate amount of €1,000 in any one Period of Insurance.

2: Loss or damage resulting from:-

(a) vermin, insects, wet and dry rot, damp or mildew;

(b) normal settlement, marring, scratching, exposure to light, change in colour, texture or finish;

(c) rust, wear, tear, corrosion, shrinkage, expansion, gradual deterioration or any gradually operating cause;

(d) any form of gradual pollution or contamination.

3: Loss or damage resulting from storm, flood, vandalism or malicious damage to:-

(a) gates, fences or moveable property in the open exceeding €10,000 in any one Period of Insurance;

(b) lawns, trees and shrubs.

4: Malicious damage, escape of water or oil or theft when the building is left unoccupied for more than 60 consecutive days.

5: Loss, destruction or damage to buildings or structures in the process of construction and to building materials, where the contract price exceeds €250,000.

Are these the only things not covered?

No, there are other limitations in this Section, but those shown above are the principal ones. Have a look at the policy document for full details. Additionally there are a number of General Exclusions which are summarised later in this Chapter.

Is cover provided for the property of teachers and pupils?

The property and personal effects of teachers and pupils are covered by the policy where loss or damage occurs within the School Buildings.

What about teachers’ cars parked in the school ground?

It is not uncommon for teachers and other staff to park their cars in school grounds. The Board may make spaces available, but they do not undertake responsibility for the safety or security of the vehicles. Cars are parked on school grounds at the risk of the owner.

It is recommended that a Disclaimer Notice be displayed to the effect that the Board does not accept liability for loss or damage to cars parked on school grounds.

Does the Custodian School Protection Policy cover central heating systems?

Yes. The policy covers loss of or damage to central heating systems. The systems, of course, also include pipes and radiators.

What about other engineering plant and equipment?

Yes, the definition of School Property includes such machinery. Plant and equipment such as lifts and air receivers (high-pressure plant) must, by law, be inspected. A certificate is issued by the inspecting Company confirming compliance.

Allianz can arrange a special Engineering Policy which includes the inspection of such plant by the Company’s engineer.

Section 2. Consequential Loss (Financial Loss Resulting from Damage Covered by Section 1)

The cover provided in Section 1 of the Custodian School Protection Policy protects the School in respect of loss or damage to material property. However, if normal duties and activities cannot be carried on as a result of any such loss or damage (insured by Section 1) to any of the property, increased costs - such as the hiring of alternative property - can accrue, or loss of revenue may result.

This Section of the policy protects against the financial loss suffered by the School during this period of interference or interruption. The financial loss suffered is limited to 20% of the sum insured on the building(s). This limit may, of course, be increased on request.

Is 20% of the sum insured of the building(s) adequate?

Provided the sums insured in respect of Buildings are sufficient to reflect the full cost of rebuilding then, in normal circumstances, 20% should be adequate.

In the event of minor damage many schools will be able to accommodate pupils elsewhere in the school. However in the event of major damage it will be necessary to either:-

(a) erect temporary buildings (including services) and the cost will depend on the availability of land upon which to erect such temporary buildings, or;

(b) rent alternative premises while the damaged building is being repaired.

If the School is located in a city or town centre then such costs may be substantial and as such the 20% may not be adequate. A higher amount may be required and the policy can be amended accordingly on request.

What about other financial loss?

Section 2 provides cover for any financial loss which results from damage covered by Section 1. For example, you may lose revenue as a result of loss or damage to the buildings from the hire of school buildings to outside groups etc., and these losses are covered.

It is important to fully assess all of the potential exposures to financial loss when deciding if 20% of the building(s) sum insured is adequate or not.

How about costs incurred in preparing a claim?

Cover under Section 2 includes professional accountants fees incurred in connection with a claim for a limit of €25,000 any one claim.

What is not covered?

1: Loss or expense where the School Property is not insured (or where the insurer has refused indemnity) under Section 1.

2: Loss or expense resulting from an occurrence which is not insured under Section 1.

Are these the only things not covered?

No, there are other limitations in the Policy, but those shown above are the principal ones. Have a look at the policy document for full details. Additionally there are a number of General Exclusions which are summarised later in this Chapter

Section 3. Loss or Theft of Money

Every individual, business, and organisation handles cash and a School is no exception. Section 3 of the policy covers:-

1: Loss of money belonging to or in the care of the School.

2: Loss of or damage to safe(s) or strong room(s).

3: Financial loss following misuse of any Credit Card held for the use of the School.

The definition of money is very wide –

‘Banknotes, coins, cheques, postal and money orders, unused postage stamps, unused contents of postal franking machines, saving stamps and certificates, prize and premium bonds, revenue stamps, bankers’ drafts, bills of exchange and securities for money, credit company sales vouchers, giro payment orders, VAT vouchers, gift tokens, trading stamps, luncheon vouchers, car park season tickets, travel tickets and travellers’ cheques’

This definition covers the requirements of almost all Schools. If you have a special requirement let us know and we can amend your policy for you.

What extensions are included?

The time when you will have the most money on School premises will be when school fees are being collected. For two weeks before and two weeks after such date(s) the limits are doubled.

In addition, if any employee is injured in an actual or attempted robbery the policy will pay a benefit to the injured person.

Are there any qualifications?

Yes, cover for money in transit is limited to €3,750 per person. Money in excess of €15,000 must be carried by a security company.

What is not covered? The principal exclusions are:-

1: Loss of Money caused by any fraudulent or dishonest act;

2: Loss from an unattended vehicle;

3: Misuse of Credit Card by the Insured;

4: The first €100 of each and every loss.

What are the principal limits in the Money Section?


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Limit any one loss
Crossed cheques / crossed money orders / crossed postal orders €500,000
Within any building while the building is occupied and used by the School €13,500
While in a locked safe €13,500
In transit or a bank night safe €13,500
Financial loss following misuse of a credit card €7,500
Any other loss of Money not otherwise excluded €1,000

Are these the only things not covered?

No, there are other limitations in this Section, but those shown above are the principal ones. Have a look at the policy document for full details. Additionally there are a number of General Exclusions which are summarised later in this Chapter.

Section 4. Liability of the Board to Employees and Other Persons

This section of the Custodian School Protection Policy covers the legal liability of the Board under two principal headings:-

(a) Employers’ Liability and

(b) Public Liability.

Sub-Section A. Employers’ Liability

Employers Liability insurance indemnifies the Board in respect of its legal liability for Bodily Injury to its Employees - teaching staff, secretaries, cleaners, caretakers, etc. - arising out of and in the course of their employment with the School.

How can legal liability for employees attach to the Board?

An employer (ie the Board) may become legally liable if an employee suffers injury as a result of the employer’s failure to take reasonable care in the provision of a safe place of work, in failing to provide suitable and safe equipment, in failing to provide a safe system of work. The employer may also incur a legal liability where one employee is injured as the result of the negligence of another employee.

How does the policy protect the Board?

If an Employee is deemed to have been injured as a result of the negligence of the Board, Allianz will undertake to pay legal costs and expenses and damages which may be awarded by a court.

The maximum amount that Allianz will pay is known as the Limit of Indemnity. The Limit of Indemnity under the Custodian School Protection Policy in relation to Employers Liability is €13,000,000 in respect of any one accident (not any one person) including all related legal costs and expenses.

What is not covered?

The principal exclusions are:-

1: Demolition, construction, alteration or repair of buildings;

2: Work on buildings in excess of 15 meters from ground level or work involving the use of scaffolding (other than mobile scaffold towers);

3: Liability assumed under contract or agreement;

4: Use of motor vehicles;

5: Any fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages.

Are these the only things not covered?

No, there are other limitations in this Section, but those shown above are the principal ones. Have a look at the policy document for full details. Additionally there are a number of General Exclusions which are summarised later in this Chapter.

Sub-Section B. Public Liability

Public Liability insurance indemnifies the Board in respect of its legal liability for accidental Bodily Injury to persons (other than its Employees) or for accidental damage to third party property. Indemnity is provided in respect of Bodily Injury to pupils, other third parties, or damage to third party property occurring:-

(a) in or about the School premises and;

(b) away from the School premises

while engaged in a School Related Activity which is defined in the Policy as:-

“any activity usual to a school which is carried out with the full knowledge and authority of and under the control of the board of management / governors of the School or of any other person specifically authorised by them”.

How can legal liability attach to the Board?

Legal Liability (or liability at law) can attach to the Board as a result of accidents arising from:-

(a) defects in the School premises, furniture, equipment or other property;

(b) failure to exercise adequate supervision over pupils;

(c) failure to take reasonable care to avoid accidents to pupils or to other third parties;

(d) failure to ensure that goods supplied (including food and drink consumed on the premises) are fit for the purpose for which they are intended.

How does the policy protect the Board?

If a person (other than an Employee) is deemed to have been injured as a result of the negligence of the Board, the Policy will protect the Board in relation to their legal liability to pay legal costs and expenses and damages which result from any such injury.

The maximum amount that Allianz will pay is known as the Limit of Indemnity. The Limit of Indemnity under the Custodian School Protection Policy in respect of Public Liability is €13,000,000 in respect of any one accident (not any one person) including all related legal costs and expenses, with the exception of claims arising out of a defect in a Product when the Limit of Indemnity is in the aggregate in any one period of insurance.

What is not covered?

The principal exclusions are:-

1: Demolition, construction, structural alteration or repair of buildings;

2: Work on buildings in excess of 15 meters from ground level or work involving the use of scaffolding other than mobile scaffold towers;

3: Any fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages;

4: Concerts or other fund raising activities where the anticipated attendance exceeds 1,000 persons, except where conducted within the building of a church;

5: Any fund raising activity not solely for the benefit of the School;

6: Liability assumed under contract or agreement;

7: Liability compulsorily insurable in accordance with any Road Traffic Act legislation;

8: Pollution or contamination other than sudden and accidental;

9: Sexual abuse or harassment;

10: Negligent advice, design, specification, formula or breach of duty owed in a professional capacity by the Insured.

Are these the only things not covered?

No, there are other limitations in this Section, but those shown above are the principal ones. Have a look at the policy document for full details. Additionally there are a number of General Exclusions which are summarised later in this Chapter.

Liability General

Does the Policy cover any accident or incident?

Some accidents are inevitable and it is not sufficient for an accident to have happened for a claim to be successful. The injured party must be able to prove that the injury or damage resulted from the negligent action (or inaction) of another, and that a “Duty of Care” existed.

Who is indemnified by the Policy?

The Policy indemnifies the Insured - defined in the Policy as the School, the Patron, the Trustees and the Board of Management / Governors - all in relation to School Related Activities.

Is indemnity provided to anyone else?

Yes, at the request of the Insured, Allianz will indemnify any parent teacher association, past pupil union, Employee (including teachers) or other person in respect of liability for which the Insured would have been indemnified under the policy if the claim had been made against the Insured.

Are the pupils covered?

The policy indemnifies the Insured in relation to their legal liability for accidental Bodily Injury to all third parties - including pupils.

Does cover apply to pupils on work experience schemes?

The policy indemnifies the School in respect of legal liability in connection with any work experience schemes organised by the School or in which they participate including indemnity to the employer with whom the pupil is placed, in respect of the performance of such work by the pupil.

What about teachers?

As we have said earlier, the policy indemnifies the Insured in relation to their legal liability for accidental Bodily Injury to all third parties - including teachers.

The policy also covers the legal liability of teachers while carrying out their duties as such in connection with School Related Activities.

Does cover apply to parents?

Here again cover is provided under the policy for the legal liability of the Insured in relation to accidental Bodily Injury to all third parties - including Parents.

On some occasions parents act under the direction and control of the Board and, in this capacity, the liability of these parents is also covered. When parents undertake work in such circumstances they are, in effect, acting as Employees of the Insured.

What about FÁS employees

Workers participating in FÁS Schemes - such as Community Employment - are employed by the sponsoring committee who are responsible for arranging the appropriate insurance cover.

Do liability insurance claims always become “confrontational”?

No, many claims are settled without recourse to a hearing in a court of law. However, liability insurance reflects the legal system. Under the present legal system, for any person to succeed in a legal action against a Board, he / she must be able to prove, in a court of law if necessary, that the injury or damage he / she has suffered is as a result of the negligence of another person / party.

In the case of a school, an injured person must be able to prove that the Board or any person acting on its behalf caused their injury or damage.

We are, therefore, involved in legal argument which by its very nature is “confrontational”.

Has the introduction of PIAB changed this?

The introduction of the Personal Injury Assessment Board has had a positive effect on the way in which some cases are settled. (See Chapter 11 - Claims Procedure for more details).

Why does it often seem to us that the insurer is “against us”?

This is the problem with a “confrontational” legal system. Where it is necessary to defend a liability claim on your behalf, we have to deal with the claim as a legal argument and we recognise that, at times, the result is traumatic and difficult for the School representative(s).

We try to be sensitive to this and we do understand the difficulties. Remember that however you feel about the merits or otherwise of any claim we are here to help you.

What is negligence?

Negligence has been defined in law as ‘the omission to do something which a reasonable person would do, or doing something which a reasonable person would not do’

in respect of a person or persons to whom a Duty of Care is owed. In this respect the “reasonable person” is defined as “the ordinary person in the street”. In effect this means that we all owe a Duty of Care to ensure that all our actions are reasonable.

What is meant by the term Duty of Care?

An eminent judge once used the parable of the Good Samaritan to illustrate that in law, as in life, we owe a responsibility to our neighbour. This legal responsibility requires that what we do (or do not do) must be reasonable and causes neither injury nor damage. This legal responsibility is known as a “Duty of Care”.

For example a Board has a Duty of Care to ensure that the premises, grounds, furniture and equipment are safe and free from any defect likely to cause injury or damage.

Failure to take the required Duty of Care resulting in injury or damage may render the Board legally liable to pay for damages and costs.

Who decides Liability?

The law courts are the ultimate arbiters in all disputes. Other cases may be settled out of court on the recommendation of our legal advisors as to award and amount of damages and costs.

Does the policy cover only claims following negligence?

No. The policy covers the legal liability of the Board. A legal liability can arise in Nuisance and Trespass as well but most claims are made in respect of Negligence.

If nuisance is covered, why is it shown in the policy as an ‘Additional Cover’?

In the main body of Sub-Section 4B, the legal liability of the Board to the public is qualified to cover only Accidental injury or damage which implies a sudden and unforeseen happening. Nuisance, in law however, is interference for a substantial period of time with the use of or enjoyment of property or land or a right.

For example, a faulty security alarm or defective security lighting can, if left in such faulty condition over a period of time, cause serious disturbance to neighbours. The point mainly at issue is that the neighbours would be anxious to achieve a cessation of the problem rather than seeking damages.

The limit of indemnity for this additional cover is €2,500,000 in any one Period of Insurance.

Are there any qualifications on the Policy?

Yes. As we have stated, the legal liability of the Board to the public is limited to:-

(a) Accidental bodily injury or disease and;

(b) Accidental nuisance and;

(c) Accidental loss or damage to property.

The word Accidental is most important as it excludes any intentional, malicious, criminal or fraudulent act.

What about legal fees and other costs?

The policy includes all legal costs and expenses incurred in the defence of a claim against the Board as well as damages and costs awarded against the Board. The maximum amount that Allianz will pay, however, is the Limit of Indemnity (see How does the policy protect the Board? earlier).

A person taking legal action against either the School, a teacher or the Board which turns out to be unsuccessful, will be responsible for his / her own costs.

What about court attendance?

Where, at the request of Allianz, any member of the Board of Management / Governors, Trustee, director, officer or any Employee is required to attend court as a witness in connection with a claim, we will pay the under-noted costs to the Board:-

(a) Any member of the Board of Management /

Governors, Trustee, director or officer, School

Principal or Bursar €500

(b) Any Employee €250

What about groups or persons using School property?

The policy protects the Board in respect of its (i.e. the Board’s) legal liability to users of the School Property. Claims usually arise as a result of defects in the premises.

The group or other persons, however, can incur their own liabilities arising out of their activities and they should therefore have their own insurance to cover any such liabilities.

What if the groups or persons using the School Property do not have or cannot get insurance?

It is unlikely that they cannot obtain insurance. What they generally mean is that the cost of insurance cover appears very expensive or is outside their financial means.

Allianz recognises that Boards rely, to some extent, on the finances generated from outside groups or persons using the School Property. The policy, therefore, has been extended to include cover for these groups and persons but the cover provided is limited. For example:-

1: cover applies only to activities which take place at the School Property. Any activities undertaken elsewhere therefore are not covered.

2: Additionally the extension provided under the Custodian School Protection Policy does not provide cover in respect of accidental Bodily Injury loss or damage giving rise to a claim made by any member of the group or organisation against another member of the group or organisation Consequently all outside groups or persons are advised to arrange their own separate insurance cover.

There are more questions asked about liability insurance than any other. The comments which we have made above address the most common ones and others will be answered in later chapters of this guide.


Section 5. Indemnity to Management

This section of the Custodian School Protection Policy covers the legal liability of the School in relation to Professional Indemnity, Trustees, Directors’ & Officers’ Liability, Employment Practices Liability and Fidelity Guarantee:

Sub-Section A. Professional Indemnity

This sub-section covers legal liability of the Insured arising from any actual or alleged Wrongful Act in connection with a School Related Activity, provided that claims are first made against the Insured during the Period of Insurance, are reported to Allianz during the Period of Insurance and which result from Wrongful Acts which occur either during the Period of Insurance or prior to the Period of Insurance but subsequent to the Retroactive Date.

Wrongful Act is defined in the Sub-Section as:- “any actual or alleged

(a) breach of duty arising from any negligent act, error or omission;

(b) breach of warranty of trust or confidentiality;

(c) libel or slander committed in good faith;

(d) infringement of copyright, patent, trademark or design rights committed in good faith”.

Retroactive Date is defined in the Policy as “the date on which the Insured first effected Indemnity to Management cover with Allianz”.

The Limit of Indemnity (or maximum amount that Allianz will pay) is €6,500,000 in any one Period of Insurance.

In similar fashion to the General Liability cover in Section 4, the Board is protected against damages awarded against the Board or settlements agreed, including costs and expenses incurred.

Why do we need this cover?

Cover under the Public Liability Sub-Section applies in respect of accidental bodily injury or accidental damage to property. As such any legal liability for financial loss not resulting from injury or damage is not covered under Public Liability.

Additionally, liability due to negligent advice or breach of duty owed in a professional capacity is excluded under the Public Liability Sub-Section - refer to the paragraph headed “What is not covered?” under Public Liability above. (See also Chapter 8 - Liabilities of the Board of Management where this cover is explained in more detail).

Who is covered?

The Sub Section indemnifies the Insured - defined in the Policy as the School, the Patron, the Trustees and the Board of Management / Governors - all in relation to School Related Activities.

Is indemnity provided to anyone else?

Yes, at the request of the Insured, Allianz will indemnify any parent teacher association, past pupil union, Employee (including teachers) or other person in respect of liability for which the Insured would have been indemnified under the policy if the claim had been made against the Insured.

What about libel or slander?

An action for defamation can be taken against the Insured in relation to the written (libel) or spoken (slander) word. Note that cover is limited to libel or slander committed in good faith. Deliberate or malicious comments etc are not covered.

What is not covered?

The principal exclusions are;-

1: Indemnity for any Wrongful Acts which were committed prior to the Retroactive Date

2: Indemnity in respect of any Wrongful Acts committed after the Insured had knowledge or reasonable grounds for believing that a person had been involved in any Wrongful Act;

3: Any claim arising from any breach of any obligation owed by the Insured as employer to any Employee;

4: any actual or alleged breach of duty arising from any negligent act error or omission on the part of any Trustee, director or officer which arises solely by reason of the conduct of their duties as a Trustee, director or officer of the School;

5: Any fines penalties punitive or exemplary damages;

6: The first €300 of each and every claim.

Are these the only things not covered?

No, there are other limitations in this Sub-Section, but those shown above are the principal ones. Have a look at the policy document for full details.

Additionally there are a number of General Exclusions which are summarised later in this Chapter.

Sub-Section B. Trustees, Directors and Officers Liability

This sub-section covers legal liability of the Insured arising from any actual or alleged Wrongful Act, provided that claims are first made against the Insured during the Period of Insurance, are reported to Allianz during the Period of Insurance and which result from Wrongful Acts which occur either during the Period of Insurance or prior to the Period of Insurance but subsequent to the Retroactive Date.

The term Wrongful Act is defined in this Sub- Section as:

“any actual or alleged breach of duty arising from any negligent act error or omission on the part of any Trustee director or officer which arises solely by reason of the conduct of their duties as a Trustee director or officer of the School”.


Limit of Indemnity -€2,500,000 inclusive of Law Costs in any one Period of Insurance

What is not covered?

The principal exclusions are;-

1: Indemnity for any Wrongful Acts which were committed prior to the Retroactive Date

2: Indemnity in respect of any Wrongful Acts committed after the Insured had knowledge or reasonable grounds for believing that a person had been involved in any Wrongful Act;

3: Any claim arising from any breach of any obligation owed by the Insured as employer to any Employee;

4: Any fines penalties punitive or exemplary damages;

5: The first €300 of each and every claim.

Are these the only things not covered?

No, there are other limitations in this Sub-Section, but those shown above are the principal ones.

Have a look at the policy document for full details. Additionally there are a number of General

Exclusions which are summarised later in this Chapter.

Sub-Section C. Employment Practices Liability

This sub-section covers legal liability of the Insured arising from any actual or alleged Wrongful Employment Practice in connection with a School Related Activity, provided that claims are first made against the Insured during the Period of Insurance, are reported to Allianz during the Period of Insurance and which result from Wrongful Acts which occur either during the Period of Insurance or prior to the Period of Insurance but subsequent to the Retroactive Date.

Wrongful Employment Practice is defined in the Policy as:-

(a) unfair dismissal or wrongful dismissal of an Employee;

(b) discrimination (including victimisation) in the employment field against any Employee or any

applicant for employment by the Insured on the grounds of gender, marital status, family status,

sexual orientation, religion, age, physical and/or mental disability, race, colour, nationality, ethnic

or national origins or membership of the traveller community;

(c) refusal to employ a qualified applicant for employment;

(d) failure to offer or afford the same terms of employment, working conditions or treatment;

(e) employment related harassment including bullying of any kind, coercion or intimidating,

offensive or hostile working environment.

Limit of Indemnity - €2,500,000 inclusive of Law Costs in any one Period of Insurance

What is not covered?

The principal exclusions are:-

1: Indemnity for any Wrongful Employment Practice committed prior to the Retroactive Date;

2: Wrongful dismissal or suspension of an Employee or change in terms of employment

where established procedures and appropriate legal advice were not followed;

3: Liability arising from Bodily Injury or loss of or damage to material property;

4: Any fines penalties punitive or exemplary damages;

5: The first €300 of each and every claim.

Are these the only things not covered?

No, there are other limitations in this Sub-Section, but those shown above are the principal ones.

Have a look at the policy document for full details. Additionally there are a number of General

Exclusions which are summarised later in this Chapter.

“Claims Made”

Cover under these three sub-sections of the policy (Professional Indemnity, Trustees Directors and

Officers Liability and Employment Practices Liability) is on a “Claims Made” basis.

What does a “Claims Made” basis mean?

A policy that is arranged on a “Claims Made” basis is limited to claims that are first made and reported to Allianz in the Period of Insurance and which occurred after the Retroactive Date (but refer also to the list of principal Exclusions in the paragraph headed What is not covered? above).

How is a “Claims Made” basis different?

This is best explained by using an example. If a third party is injured in the School a claim may be made two years later. Under Section 4 (Public Liability) the claim will be dealt with in accordance with the terms of the policy of two years previously. Section 4 (General Liability) is said to be on a “Claims Occurring” basis.

However, a claim made under Sub-Sections 5A, 5B & 5C of the Policy (Indemnity to Management) is subject to the terms and conditions under the policy in force at the time that the claim is first made, hence the term “Claims Made”.

Sub-Section D. Fidelity Guarantee

Fidelity Guarantee provides cover against the dishonesty of an employee, member of the Board of Management, or other person acting on behalf of the Board in the embezzlement of money (or property). The Limit of Indemnity (or maximum amount that Allianz will pay) is €100,000 in any one Period of Insurance.

Are there any qualifications?

Yes, the Board must ensure that all School books of account are audited, at least annually, by a suitably qualified person or persons.

There are other qualifications, have a look at the policy document for full details.

What is not covered?

The principal exclusions are:-

1: The first €300 of each and every loss;

2: Any loss or damage occurring prior to the attachment of cover under this Sub-section.

Are these the only things not covered?

No, there are other limitations in the Policy, but those shown above are the principal ones. Have a look at the policy document for full details. Additionally there are a number of General Exclusions which are summarised later in this Chapter.

Section 6. Legal Expenses

Under Section 4 - General Liability and Section 5 - Indemnity to Management, cover is included for the legal costs incurred in the defence of a legal action against the School in connection with a claim.

Section 6 - Legal Expenses allows the Board pursue (or to take) and in certain circumstances defend (see 1(b) below) legal action.

There are two parts to this Section:-

1: Legal costs which may be incurred in connection with a School Related Activity in relation to:-

(a) Pursuit of legal proceedings in connection with:-

(i) a dispute between the Board and employees, past employees or prospective employees.

(ii) a dispute between the Board and any pupil, past pupil or prospective pupil or their parent(s) or Guardian(s).

(iii) damages arising from legal liability.

(b) Pursuit or Defence of legal proceedings:-

(i) Arising from contractual relationships between the Insured and any supplier in respect of a contract for the purchase, hire, sale or supply of goods or services.

(ii) damage caused to School Property or any infringements of the legal rights of the Insured relating to the ownership or occupation of School Property.

The Limit of Indemnity (or maximum amount that Allianz will pay) is €1,000,000 in any one Period of Insurance.

2: The second part covers legal costs which may be incurred in any enquiry or investigation

which may result in a claim under Sections 5 or 6 of the policy. The Limit of Indemnity (or maximum amount that Allianz will pay) is €25,000 in any one Period of Insurance.

In each case cover applies only to legal costs and expenses which are reasonably and properlyincurred by the Insured with the express prior approval of the Company. The cover is also subject to the following special provision:-

“the Company will only accept a claim under this Section if it offers reasonable prospects for success”.

How can claims arise?

The following two examples demonstrate how claims can arise under this section:-

1: The Board may wish to take legal advice when there is a dispute with an Employee or with a supplier of goods or services to the School.

2: The Board may wish to take legal proceedings against a person or persons causing damage to School Property.

Are claims under this section different?

Yes. Under this Section the Board is required to seek permission from Allianz before it incurs costs which constitutes a claim.

Why does the Board have to ask the permission of Allianz before incurring legal costs?

Legal expenses cover was not available for many years, because it was generally thought that no one should be encouraged to take a legal action. With an availability of insurance for legal costs the opportunity for potentially “flippant” actions arises.

Let us use a superficial example to illustrate the point - the Board may decide they wish to defend a case where breach of contract is alleged, even though it is accepted that there has been a definitive breach of contract. Clearly, in these circumstances, it would be unreasonable for the Board to expect Allianz to pay their legal costs.

For this reason the Board must seek the approval of Allianz Before incurring legal costs.

The policy refers to the Appointed Solicitor. Who is that?

Allianz has a panel of solicitors from which you may choose one to represent you. These solicitors are used by Allianz in all liability matters and have been proved to provide excellent service.

Why can’t we select our own solicitor?

You can! The appointment of a solicitor from the Allianz panel is for the purposes of expediting the claim process. However, this does not affect your rights to appoint a solicitor or other appropriately qualified person of your choice in accordance with Article 7 of the European Communities (Non Life Insurance) (Legal Expenses) Regulations 1991.

What is not covered?

The principal exclusions are:-

1: Fines or penalties;

2: Legal Costs and Expenses incurred prior to the approval of and acceptance of a claim by Allianz;

3: Any prosecution deliberately or intentionally solicited by the School or any deliberate or intentional breach of contract;

4: The first €300 of each and every claim.

Are these the only things not covered?

No, there are other limitations in the Policy, but those shown above are the principal ones. Have a look at the policy document for full details. Additionally there are a number of General Exclusions which are summarised later in this Chapter.

Section 7: Personal Accident

This section of the Custodian School Protection Policy covers:

Accidental bodily injury to any member of the board of management / governors, Trustee, teacher or Employee (the Insured Person) as a result of an accident suffered in the course of a School Related Activity.

What are the principal limits?

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Bodily injury causing Limit
Death €125,000
Loss of sight in one eye or loss of one limb €75,000
Loss of sight in both eyes or loss of both limbs €125,000
Loss of hearing in one ear €7,500
Loss of hearing in both ears €50,000
Permanent disability €125,000
Temporary disability per week (payable to the School) €500
Medical / dental / optical expenses €10,000

What is not covered?

The principal exclusions are:-

1: Demolition or construction work or work at heights in excess of 15 metres;

2: Use of woodworking machinery, tree felling or lopping;

3: Hazardous sports;

4: Wilful exposure to danger, self injury or use of intoxicants or drugs;

5: Any intentional, dishonest or fraudulent act;

6: Temporary disability benefit for more than 100 weeks

7: The first €125 of any claim for medical, dental or optical expenses.

Are these the only things not covered?

No, there are other limitations in the Policy, but those shown above are the principal ones. Have a look at the policy document for full details. Additionally there are a number of General Exclusions which are summarised below.

What General Exclusions apply?

There are three General Exclusions which apply to all Sections of the Policy. These can be summarised as follows:

1: Radioactive contamination

This excludes any loss or damage or legal liability caused by or arising from

(a) ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or

from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel

(b) the radioactive toxic explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear

assembly or component thereof

2: War and Terrorism

This excludes any claims arising from:

(a) war, revolution, military or usurped power and similar actions


(b) any Act of Terrorism

“Act of Terrorism” is defined as:

“an act including, but not limited to, the use of force or violence and / or the threat thereof of any person or group(s)of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes, including the intention to influence any government and / or to put the public or any section of the public in fear”.


Liability, loss, damage, cost or expense in connection with any action taken in controlling,

preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to (a) and/or (b) above are also excluded.

3: Cyber Risk

This exclusion is divided into two parts:

(a) This applies only to Section 1 - Property,Section 2 - Consequential Loss & Section3 - Money


This excludes any loss damage cost or expense resulting from or in connection with:

(i) the loss alteration of or damage to, or

(ii) a reduction in the functionality availability or operation of

computer systems, computer programmes or microchips, integrated circuit or similar devices in computer or non-computer equipment whether the property of the Insured or not.

The exclusion does not apply to such damage or reduction in functionality

availability or operation caused by the following specified perils:

Fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft or other aerial devices or articles dropped there from,

riot, civil commotion, strikers, locked out workers, persons taking part in labour

disturbances, malicious persons, earthquake, storm, flood, bursting overflowing

discharging or leaking of water tanks, oil tanks, apparatus or pipes, sprinkler leakage

or impact by any road vehicle or animal.

(b) This applies to all other Sections of the Policy

This excludes liability, loss, damage, cost or expense resulting from or in connection with

(i) the loss, alteration of or damage to, or

(ii) a reduction in the functionality availability or operation of

computer systems, computer programmes or microchips, integrated circuits or similar devices in computer equipment or noncomputer equipment that results from the malicious or negligent transfer (electronic or otherwise) of a computer programme that contains any malicious or damaging code including, but not limited to, computer virus, worm, logic bomb or trojan horse.

The foregoing is a summary only of these General Exclusions. You should refer to the Policy document for full details.